Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Little About Me !

My names Kimberley, but i also go by Kim. I do have a nickname which would be Kimmee. The only people that really call me Kimmee are my sisters and their friends. I got this because when we were all little it was to hard for two year olds to say Kimberley.

Besides going to school, I also work everyday. My employers are Mark Onstont which i work at shenangians bar & Resturant, & Marcos on main which is an Itailan Resturant. At these places i am a cocktail waitress & a waitress. The money is great but sometimes the nights are long. My other employers are Whiteside Elementry School as an ESP teacher & The City of Belleville as a soccer coach for 3-5 year olds and as an building monitor at the nichols community center. (This one i basically sit at a desk and finsh up all my homework and play on the computer.)

Vounteer work! :
For volunteer work I have participated two years in the ginger bread run; and one year in tour de belleville and March of Dimes. The Ginger bread run is held every decemeber in downtown Belleville and for vounteers you guide the people where to run, or work at water station incase the runners get thirsty! The Tour De Belleville is held every year in July and instead of running, people ride bikes all around Belleville, this is held at night so you hold flash lights and direct traffic and cheer on the bikers. It's alot more fun than you think & you get free tshirt ! March of dime is far most my favorite thing to vounteer for because my neice olivia is a premie baby. She was three months early and born at a one lbs and 15 ounces! I walk every march & help raise money for her and other babies that are premature.

Education & Career goals:

I graduated from Belleville East Highschool in may of 2009. I started attending SWIC in fall 2009 and I'm still here. I'm mostly getting my gen eds out of the way and my goal is to be at SIUE next fall. I'm going to school because in my future i would love to be a elementry school teacher. That woud be my dream job because with kids, its a different thing everyday.

Course Goals:
During English 102, my goals are to learn how to blog, I've never have before and it seems like a fun thing to do, even if its not for a class it can still let you get stuff off your chest and tell about fun things you may experince. Another problem that I want to acchieve this semester in english would be to get more experince at writting college papers on topics that i am intersted and do well on them.

When it comes to writing, i like to mainly stay in the area of topics that i am familar with. I like doing this because the more i know on a topic the better i feel the paper or article will be. The only other thing that i would feel confident about writing would be a topic that i felt strongly about and could research all the information that i do not know.
3 words to describe me:
I think that the the three best words to desribe me would be caring, outgoing and nice. I am caring because I care about helping other people out in times of need when they can not help themselves and I care about creatures and animals. One time i ran over a possum and felt quite bad about it for almost three days. Kinda pathtic i know. haha. I am nice because i never judge people right away and i take time to get to know people and Im never really mean. Outgoing runs in my family I think. Most of the time I am ready to do whatever people have in mind that night and i love to have a good time when going out!
I enjoy reading many different types of books as long as they catch my attention and keep me wanting to know what happens next. The last book i read was called "Another place at the table" which was Foster Family taking in kids and falling in love with many of them and adopting them. The novel told the hardships and great times the family had together. My top three favorite books are "The five people you meet in heaven", "A glass Castle" and "A painted house".